Wednesday 20 July 2016

Driving in the Rain

If you've read early posts on this journey, you'll know I have a convertible. Rather a nice one, IMHO (although getting long in the tooth... if cars can do that sort of thing.)

Earlier this week, I had reason to take the Sea to Sky Highway up to Squamish. Was hot and sunny when I left so I had the car top down and was enjoying the beauty along the way. Close to my destination, some rain started to fall.  It wasn't very heavy and wasn't hitting me directly (only a few splashes on the back seat - thank you aerodynamics), but I thought it best to stop after a few minutes and put the roof up.
Aerodynamics 101
Later, as I was leaving Squamish for the drive home, the sky looked promising. Bright, crystalline, a few fluffy clouds. Awesome convertible weather. So down the roof came. Cranked up Tragically Hip and headed back down that gorgeous road.

But it wasn't too long before the rain started spitting - near Shannon Falls, I think. But I was resolute. What're a few drops of rain, anyways?

And then it wasn't spitting anymore. Nuh uh. It was raining and spraying and swooshing. The wipers were going crazy. The road was a filmy blur. The ocean merged with the sky on the pass through Britannia Beach.

But the rain still wasn't hitting me. Not at all. Aerodynamics again. Or maybe, just maybe, a little bit of magic too.

Yes, I could see it splattering my back seats. And yes, I did briefly wonder what the deluge was going to do to my interior.

But then I thought, F*ck it. I'm enjoying this. I want this. I need this.
Never mind the big stares from those in passing cars. Never mind if they were mocking me.
I was fully, completely fine with that.

Good spirits rising
Eventually, the rain stopped. (It always does.) The sun shone and dried up the back seats.

The sky smiled at me. I smiled back.

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