Sunday 3 January 2016

Starting with a Whimper (sad face)

I had full intentions of starting 2016 with a BANG!
Enthused about life, people, career.
Nothing but positivity, baby!

Until - WHAM
(Which is definitely not the same as 'BANG', by the way. And, in this context, it's also not these guys...)

Image result for buckley's medicineI got sick. Coughing, sore throat, dizzy kind of sick. Buckley's kind of sick.

It started on New Year's Eve and has been getting progressively worse each day. My biggest accomplishments today were making a cup of coffee in the morning and watching 2 hours of House Hunters International on the PVR. (My god, don't they always pick the wrong place!!)

My Sweater
I did not once venture out into the real world. Much to the world's relief, because I'm a pretty scary sight today. This is the sweater I am wearing. Imagine what the rest of me looks like.

Out the front window
I did not commune with nature. The few snapshots I took were all from the front window of the house. 

I ignored the dog. I didn't even have the energy to embarrass him again, like I did yesterday. (Click here to see) 

And probably the biggest barometer of how I was feeling... I didn't feed the House Crows at all today. I saw one of them looking at me through the window mid-morning, but I did nothing to acknowledge him or get him kibble. 
Nuh uh. Today was all about me. 

Admittedly, I am a little disappointed that I won't be hitting the ground running: 
  • Those 2015 loose ends that I'd planned to tie up will have to hang loose just a little longer. 
  • The "New Year | New Me" thing will have to wait a few more days or so. 
  • And I just might have to adjust my plans to be competing in marathons by the end of the month.
Instead, tonight, I will snuffle a bit, whimper a lot more and burrow into the couch. I hope to be fed sushi soon (although the husband seems woefully slow in procuring it. He really needs to do better. Doesn't he know that I'm SICK?!)

Anyways, here's hoping your year has started with a BANG and not a WHAM or a whimper, and that you are looking forward to the big joys and little pleasures that 2016 will bring. I know I am!

Happy New Year!
 Google's Bottle With Popping Cork Google's Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes

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