Friday 16 November 2012

Lesley 2.0 - The Road Trip Begins

This blog is about becoming the next version of myself and learning to enjoy it (damnit!).  A self-discovery road trip, but with a cynic at the wheel.  Like the movie version of "Eat, Pray, Love" if Sarah Silverman had played the lead role instead of Julia Roberts.  Or maybe Linda Hunt. (Look at my photo, you be the judge.)

Basic facts about me:
- Married, 2 kids.  No arrests.
- Calvinist.  Work ethic, not couture.
- Downsized.  From employment, not dress size.

As 'Lesley 1.0', I was dedicated to my work for many years, loved the challenge and consuming nature of it, and could easily have kept following that well-worn path without giving it too much more thought.  As a friend of mine once said "The sides of my ruts are very high, but very, very comfortable".

I've now had the chance to take a step back, catch my breath, and peer down some other possible paths.  Ergo the 'road to infinity' backdrop for this blog.  Not subtle, but it fits.

While I'm on this v2 road trip, I'll offer up my observations and experiences, recount challenges and solutions, and share my successes and un-successes ('failures' is such a nasty word).

I hope that you will find these posts interesting, informative and maybe just a tiny bit entertaining. 

I welcome your contributions, comments and (constructive) criticisms.

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