Thursday, 31 October 2013

A Seasonal Poem

'Twas the night before Hallow’s Eve 
And all through the house
The spirits were stirring
A cat chased a mouse
My senses were tingling
I opened one eye
Peered into the shadows
And thought I might die
For what I saw there
Caused me alarm
I closed that eye... tight
And whispered a charm
Beetlejuice in his nightshirt
Headless Horseman in a cap
Were scratchin’ and belchin’
And up from their nap
I quivered and shook
Hoped they’d not notice...
B lifted his shirt
And took a quick [pssssssssss]
Then they puttered away...
Was that a good sign?!
Perhaps they are harmless
Perhaps they’re benign
But what I heard then…
A horrible clatter!
Screeching and wailing
What the hell was the matter?!
Although I was shaking
I jumped from the bed
What I saw next
Made me wish I was dead
Entrails were s t r u n g
Over bushes and trees
Pools of dark red
Looked to be up to my knees
The yard was a mess
And the wailing went on
I feared for the worst
As I looked ‘cross the lawn
Was that a dead goat?
Was that a cleaved d/o\g?
Some sliiiiiime on the trees…
Perhaps a pinned frog?
I panicked and FROZE
As hard steps came near
I couldn’t think straight
PARALYZED by the fear
I fainted, then woke
Felt something on me
Was that BLOOD on my leg?!!
Ummm, maybe just pee…
The horrible screeching
Had now turned to laughter
It didn’t make sense
Not at first, but then after…
For there were my kids
In cap and nightshirt
Laughing so hard
Their sides must have hurt
I wasn’t amused
They called me a "Hater"
But mark my own grave
They’ll pay for this… later

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