Monday, 20 May 2013

If Life Gives You Lemons...

make Lemon Meringue Pie...

I'm a big fan of lemon meringue pie.  And lemon tarts.  And burnt lemon tarts.  And lemon squares. And lemon creme cookies. And 'poor man's margaritas" (Tequila and Minute Maid lemonade)

Pretty well anything with lemon!!!!!

And not because I'm sour.  After all, I've left bitterness behind on my journey to Lesley 2.0.
Nor because I'm tart. I've learned to hold my tongue and just nod and smile when necessary.

But because lemon is the ultimate flavour booster, whether sweet or savoury.  Which makes me happy, because I have so many opportunities to brandish my my favourite kitchen tool... my zester!

Of the long-ish list of sweet things above, the only one I've ever made successfully is lemon meringue pie. 

When I was younger, I thought the mark of a good pie was fully 'from scratch'.  My mom made an excellent lemon meringue pie, so I figured this required many hours and a multitude of ingredients.  When I remarked that I'd never be able to make a pie like hers, she pulled out a Shirriff box of "original Lemon Pie Mix" and the companion packet of pie crust mix and said "Here, use these.  I'm not making these things from scratch.  Neither should you."

(Silent but implied: "You are not a good baker.  I am a good baker.  If even I am using packaged mixes, then you absolutely must use packaged mixes.  Or you will bring shame to the family. And I will pretend I do not know you.")

So once in a while I pull out a package of Shirriff's and make a pie.  Like on Mother's Day.  I pulled out the package, placed it prominently on the kitchen counter and waited for the children to take up the challenge.  But with one kid spaced out after wisdom teeth removal and the other with the attention span of a gnat, I was fearful that my treat would either be inedible or not materialize at all. 

So I made a pie - with lemon zest and crushed lavender in the filling (bravely going beyond the mix!)
And lots of extra meringue - so I could make crazy peaks all over the pie, just for fun.

Mom would be proud, right?  
Mothers' Day Pie 2013